We envision to create a dynamic, equitable, and prosperous Philippines where professionals across sectors, especially in the burgeoning IT BPO industry, are recognized, supported, and empowered to contribute significantly to the national economy and global innovation.


To establish a dynamic and equitable Philippines where our professionals — from lawyers and engineers to the pivotal IT BPO sector — are not just participants, but key drivers of national progress. In an industry that contributed approximately 9% to the country's GDP in recent years, the IT BPO sector stands as a testament to the potential of Filipino talent in the global market. Our vision is to elevate this contribution, aiming for double-digit GDP impact, by fostering an environment where these professionals are not only recognized but also supported with robust policies, cutting-edge technology, and world-class training. We envision a Philippines where innovation is not imported, but homegrown and exported, placing our nation firmly on the map as a hub of technological and professional excellence. This vision is rooted in the reality of our potential: a Philippines where the professional sector, contributing significantly to both the national economy and global innovation, is the cornerstone of a prosperous future.